Skinned Knees

Jane's Fund is known for turning bus lots into play spaces with hopscotch and four square and finding empty fields at schools to create soccer champions, so when we were informed this week that there's an empty space at a school that doesn't have a playground, Jane's Fund jumped for joy. 

Playgrounds don't only create healthy hearts and lower obesity rates, but students who use playgrounds regularly are proven to have:

reduced stress levels,

higher self-esteem and confidence, 

better communication skills,

enhanced creativity and imagination,

more empathy and respect for others, and 

a heightened ability to navigate social situations. 

Jane's Fund believes every student in Charlotte should have the opportunity to master the monkey bars or help a friend climb the rope ladder on their school playground. We need your help to make this happen, because the kids who fall down, skin their knees, and get back up again are future graduates, leaders, teachers, and healthy parents.

Two soccer goals and paint to line the field:  $5,000
A basketball court in the bus lot with two goals and paint for the 3-point line: $8,400
A new playground: $55,555


A True Love Story

