High Highs and Low Lows

When a child has a cancer diagnosis with a poor prognosis, the rhythm of life for the entire family rises and falls around oncology appointments, chemotherapy, radiation, and scans. Whether it's a bone marrow biopsy, an MRI, or a CT scan used to track the cancer, each reveal if the cancer is spreading or if there is remission. The hope is that each scan shows no continued cancer growth after the initial diagnoses. For some families, the results of a scan are predictable if the child has lost weight, exhibited progressive neurological symptoms (such as losing eyesight), or experienced changes in behavior. However, regardless of what a family anticipates or how much preparation they make, the weight of a scan revealing a terminal diagnosis or advancing cancer remains unbearable. 

This is the case for Willow’s and Izial’s families. Willow and Izial are both 3-year olds with a tumor in their stomach. Their parents, grandparents, siblings, and relatives are all grappling to help while overcome with fear, doubts, and sorrow. Each day these families maintain a smile, no matter the highs or lows of scan reports on the tumor’s progress, to protect each 3-year old from the tragedy around them.

This month at Jane's Fund, we witnessed one of the 3-year-olds receive great news from a scan, while the other heartbreaking news. Despite the uncertainty of what lies ahead, we continue to be inspired and encouraged by the miracle that both families continue to find an inner strength and persevere on the journey set before them. 

Jane's Fund is honored to walk alongside Willow, Izial, and their families on good days, bad days, and everyday in between. To lighten their burden, Jane’s Fund recently bought Willow’s family a new home, and we need your help transporting the mobile home to their land.   
Izial’s family had a car quit, which isn't an option for a family when fighting cancer. We need your help paying off their new Pathfinder. 

THANK YOU for supporting Jane's Fund so we can give hope and help through the highs and lows for families with a child battling cancer. 

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Willow’s Family Home: $44,000
Transporting Willow’s New Home to their Land: $19,000
Izial’s New Family Car; $15,000


Every Second Counts

