If there is one thing we know for sure at Jane's Fund, it's that miracles abound. We see light and love every day through our community partners and projects.

Miracle Mondays are our way of letting you in on more of that magic.

Look for just one example of a miracle in your inbox every Monday. And know that there are so many more where that came from each and every week - all because of your partnership and generosity.

Cancer Jane Harrell Cancer Jane Harrell

Remembering Sarah

A few days before Christmas, three-year-old Sarah passed away from complications of the cancer in her liver. She was diagnosed just three months prior.

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Jane Harrell Jane Harrell

Nothin’ but Net

Sport Mode One understands that the principles student-athletes learn within the game all translate to how they can bridge the gap between communities in Charlotte.

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Jane Harrell Jane Harrell

Meet the Miracle Makers

You've heard that Jane's Fund gave away more than $1.8 Million in projects in 2023. We'd like to introduce you to the people making miracles happen.

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Jane Harrell Jane Harrell

Shine a Light in the Dark

Jane's Fund exists to pour love and light in the community. As we head towards the new year, we're asking everyone to help cover your community in that light. 

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Jane Harrell Jane Harrell

A Morning of Miracles

As you are reading this, three families are finding a surprise from Jane's Fund under their trees: Two fully paid home mortgages, one completed car loan and a partridge in a pear tree!

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Cancer Jane Harrell Cancer Jane Harrell

TJ Marches to Heaven

TJ was diagnosed with leukemia in August of 2022 and underwent strong chemotherapy, immunotherapy and even a bone marrow transplant.

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Education Jane Harrell Education Jane Harrell

Dive in!

When Jane’s Fund was approached with the idea of building a neighborhood pool to teach children living in the surrounding areas to swim, we jumped at the chance.

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Education Jane Harrell Education Jane Harrell

The Sound of Music

Renaissance West STEAM Academy encourages middle school students to try new skills as they choose enrichment classes, with a particular focus on growing the band program.

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Jane Harrell Jane Harrell

Play Like Jane

Play Like Jane is a weekly lacrosse enrichment, funded by Jane's Fund and run through Greater Enrichment Program at Merry Oaks International Academy.

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Cancer Jane Harrell Cancer Jane Harrell

Meet Sunnie

Jane’s Fund sees light and joy every day through our projects, community partners and the generosity and love of supporters like you.

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Jane Harrell Jane Harrell

Thank You From Jane’s Fund

We wanted you to be the first to hear our exciting news. Because of your partnership, Jane's Fund continues to grow, increasing its impact in our community. 

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