If there is one thing we know for sure at Jane's Fund, it's that miracles abound. We see light and love every day through our community partners and projects.

Miracle Mondays are our way of letting you in on more of that magic.

Look for just one example of a miracle in your inbox every Monday. And know that there are so many more where that came from each and every week - all because of your partnership and generosity.

Education Jane Harrell Education Jane Harrell

Birds of a Feather

The first graders at Oakhurst STEAM Academy are studying characteristics of birds and how to care for them in their literacy class, and the needs of plants and animals in their science class.

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Cancer Jane Harrell Cancer Jane Harrell

Bringing Lenin Home

Though this story is hard to read, it is one very much worth telling. We have waited several months to share it with you and hope you'll find a quiet moment to take it in.

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Jane Harrell Jane Harrell

Building Dreams in Buzz City

You may remember our partner Sport Mode One. Jane's Fund proudly sponsors summer camps and year-long basketball clinics through SMO, helping bridge communities through sports.

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Cancer Jane Harrell Cancer Jane Harrell

Stephen’s Story

11-year-old Stephen’s family had just welcomed a new baby sister this summer when they received the news that his brain cancer had progressed and his diagnosis was terminal. 

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Cancer Jane Harrell Cancer Jane Harrell

There’s No Place like Home

At 25 years old, Avery is battling a type of cancer seen almost exclusively in newborn to 2-year-olds. She lives at home with her fiancé and their three daughters, ages 2, 4 and 6.

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Education Jane Harrell Education Jane Harrell

Queen City Scholars

QC Scholars helps socially and academically prepare high-achieving, under-resourced public high school students for four-year colleges and universities.

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Jane Harrell Jane Harrell

And Shine Like Jane, You Did

This Monday, we are celebrating the miracles that happen when a group of bold, passionate, and caring individuals comes together.

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Education Jane Harrell Education Jane Harrell

Congrats, Grads!

High School seniors must give their school-issued chromebooks back at the end of the year, which often means they are headed to college without a computer of their own. 

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Cancer Jane Harrell Cancer Jane Harrell

Taylor’s Story

10-year-old Taylor was diagnosed with stage IV Neuroblastoma (cancer beginning in the nerve cells) in September 2023, after several months of misdiagnosis for her rib/abdominal pain.

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Education Jane Harrell Education Jane Harrell

Hello From Camp!

120 third graders from Huntingtowne Farms Elementary School recently traveled to Camp Thunderbird for a day of adventure, fellowship and fun.

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